8 de febr. 2011

Dwelling Accordia [residencial I]

Ahir us vaig parlar d'un llibre que hi ha a l'apartat de novetats de la biblioteca. Es tracta del llibre 'Dwelling Accordia' que descriu els projectes d'un barri residencial a Accordia, Cambridge. La construcció es va completar l'any 2008 i va rebre un munt de premis. Podeu trobar informació del projecte al web dels arquitectes Feilden Clegg Bradley Studio (FCBS) i en aquesta fitxa resum.

"The combination of private open spaces in the form of courtyards,roof terraces and large balconies, designed as an integral part of the architecture, and generous communal gardens designed by Grant Associates, reflect the changing aspirations of modern lifestyles and continue a strong tradition of domestic architecture in Cambridge. The masterplan was designed for pedestrian and cycle demands, with landscaped pedestrian “streets”, mews streets with shared surfaces, discreet car parking and integrated cycle parking."

[no connec a fons el projecte però sempre m'ha fet molt bona pinta, i el llibre semblava interessant]

[Paul Drew, Ivor Richards, Colen Lumley & Keith Bradley, 'Dwelling Accordia', Black Dog Publishing UK, 2010]

[FCBS, Dwellings Accordia, planta del conjunt, 2008]

[FCBS, Dwellings Accordia, 2008]

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